Saturday, May 1, 2010


So it begins, my venture to help all women feel good about themselves in their clothes and ultimately their bodies!  Having studied fashion design and understanding the construction of clothing has changed my view on how we wear clothes completely! Also what we spend on clothes!

I have worked in many different retail situations over the years while I was a student, but it wasn't until I decided to create a swimwear collection for my fourth year in University that I suddenly became very aware about how clothing can affect women and how they see themselves and their bodies.  This became even more clear as I worked as an intern for a swimwear company, Destineau in Toronto,  and needed to create some swimwear and cover up designs that would help women feel excited about their swimsuits instead of afraid!  Finally I realized just how intimidating shopping could be for women when I started managing a swimwear store downtown Toronto.  Every single day it was woman after woman who would walk into the store reluctantly and wander around the store not having a clue what they were looking for.  These women would walk into the store with stories about how they hated swimsuits because they looked terrible in them but they had to have a new one, for their vacation since their old one was falling apart.  I found that after asking a few simple questions and assessing their body type I was able to find almost every woman a swimsuit that she not only felt comfortable with but looked great in!  It was after just a few short weeks at this job that I realized that I wanted to use my skills to help women in all clothing situations.

Each post of this blog will address different topics about clothing, body image and style.  So stop back often for all the tips and tricks to help you feel and look your best!  Please feel free to comment with any topics you would like me to touch on.

Since summer is just around the corner the next few posts will be about swimwear because we all know that bikini season can be the most scary of all!

xo. Diva

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