Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hair Doctor!

Lets be honest, we are all very hard on our hair.  Exposing it to the elements, using styling products, curling, straightening, teasing, sitting in the sun, you name it we do it.  So here are some of the most common hair ailments and what you can do to remedy them.

Hair Gone GREEN From the Pool
If you love to swim and dye or highlight your hair blond you may have experienced the unpleasant discovery of a slight green tint to your beautiful blond locks.   First of all there are a few simple ways to avoid this; easiest way to make sure you do not get green hair is to simply not swim in chlorine.  Next, if you are an avid swimmer you can wear a latex swim cap and wash hair immediately after swimming.  Now I was a lifeguard while I was in highschool, bleached my hair blond and being a vain teenager wouldn't be caught dead in a swim cap.  I would always saturate my hair quite completely in a leave in conditioner (this fills your hair with moisture so that it absorbs less of the chlorine filled pool water) and then wash it with a high quality cleansing shampoo right away not allowing the chlorine to sit on my hair for any amount of time after I was finished in the pool.
It is important to understand WHY the chlorine in the poo will turn your hair green.  Chlorine is a naturally clear chemical so a blue dye is added to the chlorine so that it can be seen and identified.  Blond hair is very porous as the cuticles (the pores of your hair) have been blown open by the bleach, making it very absorbent of any moisture it comes into contact with.  As your hair absorbs the chlorine full of blue dye it reacts with the yellow tones of your hair creating that green tone.
 The second reason is that there is a copper deposit in the piping of pools that can react with the blond hair dye giving it a green colour.  This is important to know because in some older homes you will find this same copper deposit and even taking a shower can tint those lovely blond locks green!

Now how do you fix it if it happens to you!?
The first remedy I would try is a great quality deep cleansing shampoo.  Wash the hair properly and give it two or three washes before you decide it is not working.

If that doesn't work then try washing your hair in tomato juice, the red in the juice will neutralize the green dye.  Make sure to leave the juice on your hair for a decent amount of time (3-5 minutes) and make sure it is TOMATO JUICE NOT A TOMATO DRINK OR COCKTAIL.

If the green in your hair still wont budge then you need to call your stylist and book an appointment asap!

Dull Lackluster Hair
If your hair is dull, flat and all together dead looking it can really bring down your look.  Sometimes your hair may be so dull even a healthy spritz of shine spray doesn't brighten it up.  This happens due to sun damage, build up of hair products, chemical damage and heat damage.
The remedy for this is again a great clarifying shampoo to wash out all build up on your hair, then start a healthy hair routine of moisturizing, proper cleaning and drinking lots of water!  Finally to bring your hair back to life have the ends trimmed to get rid of all those split ends, you will be surprised how much of a difference it makes to the look of your hair!

Dry Ends
This is the most common complaint I hear from people, what can they do about their dry and split ends?  Well there is not much you can honestly do about dry split ends, you can't "unsplit" them and split end treatments are only temporary as they simply add moisture to them and smooth them down.  The only remedy is to have them trimmed off and take better care of your ends next time!  Keep in mind no matter how well you take care of your hair you will always at some point have to trim the ends as they will still eventually get dry and split.

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