Saturday, June 12, 2010

Repair and Revive your clothes... don't throw it out!

Everyone does that spring cleaning of the closet, and when you do you always find those pieces that you used to love but somehow they got stained or damaged.  You just couldn't just throw it away because you always love wearing it, but you can no longer wear it because it is ruined.  Well there is a solution to this problem, if you have a great piece of clothes you cant part with then take a good creative look at it and see if there is some way to fix it.  If it is a fallen hem find a good tailor, same goes if there is a hole in something, could it simply be altered to fix the problem?  To deal with a tough stain could you add a belt? A patch? An accessory such as a pin or flower?  Can you simply alter the piece yourself? 
An example of this would be the great striped pull over sweater I had, nice scoop neckline, light fabric so great for cool summer days, the perfect sweater for when you want to look nice and put together yet still casual.  Not even a full week after buying it a thread in the collar got snagged and within a few seconds half of the ribbed collar had detached itself.   I couldn't bear to part with the sweater right away because it was so new and I was so happy to have found it.  A few weeks later I was trying to find the perfect outfit to wear and came across the torn sweater in my closet and tried it on, even though it was ripped, because it would have been the perfect. As I looked at it sadly and wished I could wear it, I had an idea.  I then proceeded to rip off the rest of the collar.  And viola! I suddenly had my cute, casual sweater back except now instead of a scoop neck I had a cute wide neck/off the soldier sweater perfect for wearing over a cute tank top.
So next time you are sad because you have ruined or worn out a favorite piece of clothing, see if you can revive it before buying something new...your wallet and your wardrobe will thank you!

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