Sunday, June 6, 2010

Love your face!

No matter how well you know your make up if you don't have a great canvas to work with (your face) then you will have a much harder time creating that natural flawless look you desire.  The solution to this is simple... love your face!  Taking care of your face and your skin is very important to your overall look.  Having great skin can make you look healthier, happier and younger!  Here are my simple steps to loving your face.

1. Drink LOTS of water daily!  This is very important for your skin and your hair!
2. Eat well, whatever you put on the inside of your body will show on the outside.
3. Cleanse - find a cleanser that uses natural products and doesn't have a lot of chemicals.  Use this cleanser daily with lukewarm water.
4. Next get a great natural toner, that moisturizes.  Apply evenly with a cotton pad, not a tissue or face cloth.
5. Next find the moisturizer that is right for your skin, splash some cool water on your face and then without drying add the moisturizer.  This will lock in the water which is great for your skin.  Again try to stick with natural products as your skin is absorbing everything you put on it... so if you wouldn't put it IN your body don't put it ON your body.  An SPF is great to! 
6. Your final step is to splash ice cold water on your face.  This is a bit uncomfortable for a moment but closes up your pores and locks all that moisture in!

Now 1-2 times a week you want to exfoliate your face.  There are plenty of products out there for this but I find that the best product is one I make myself! So simple and so effective.  First you need fresh squeezed lemon. You can squeeze a real lemon or use that lemon that comes in already squeezed.  Just make sure that it is pure lemon juice (organic is even better!).  You then saturate a cotton pad in lemon juice and sprinkle a good amount of plain white granulated sugar on the pad.  Apply this to your face in circular motions using medium pressure.  Finally rinse in cool water.  The reason this is so effective is that lemon is FULL of BHAS and AHAS and these are very important for your skin and help to break down all of the dead skin cells.  The sugar serves as the exfoliate and helps to lift the old skin of your face without damaging your good skin cells.

xo.  Diva 

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